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Tips and Tricks - 26-10-2022 - - 0 comments
Free CPD Training with the Anti-Bullying Alliance

As a specialist, Education Recruitment Agency the upskilling and professional development of our candidates is extremely important to us. That’s why we offer a variety of training including, emergency paediatric first aid, team teach and cover supervisor training. We have also recently teamed up with The Learning College to offer further online training to fit our candidates' lives. 

In this blog, we wanted to honour National Anti-bullying Week by sharing the free CPD online anti-bullying training offered by the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA).

The Anti-bullying Alliance are a group of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying. They run a variety of programmes across the UK to prevent and tackle bullying in our schools. As the official organisers of Anti-bullying week, who better to highlight this month than them and the specialised training they offer around dealing with bullying as a teacher?

Bullying has long-lasting effects on children and can follow them all the way into adulthood so it is integral for all of us in the education sector to prevent this from happening. ABA has 14 online courses that cover everything from Cyberbullying, bullying and the law, responding to bullying and bullying and Gyspy, Roma and Traveller young people. 

For those teachers that work with SEN children, they also have a course on bullying and SEN/disability where you can come to understand the prevalence of bullying for SEN and disabled children, disablist language and more!

Check out all of the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s online courses to help take a stand against bullying in your school. If you’re interested in taking part in any of our other training please get in touch!

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