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News - 28-11-2022 - - 0 comments
How to support human rights without boycotting the World Cup

Like many of our school staff and schools, we’ve been watching and enjoying the World Cup 2022. In fact, we even had the pleasure of taking an extended lunch to watch England’s first match against Iran (which I am sure we can all agree was a corker!) and are running a sweepstake. 

However, as an agency that believes in equality, diversity and inclusion, we cannot shy away from the human rights violations that are at play during this World Cup as a result of the home nation’s political and religious beliefs. The country has a poor track record of migrant abuse and stringent anti-LGBTQ+ laws making it a less than favourable destination for the world’s largest and supposedly most inclusive sporting event. 

By no means are we encouraging anyone to boycott the football, like we said, we’ve been watching too. But we do think that it’s important to be informed. Below you’ll find some suggestions from us on things you can do to support human rights in Qatar while still watching the games.  

1. Join Stonewall’s Proud Stadium 

Help Stonewall fill a virtual stadium (80,000 people) made up of LGBTQ+ people and their allies to show others how we are standing together again hate.  

2. Sign a petition in support of LGBT+ rights in Qatar 

Tell the world that love is not a crime by signing a petition started by Nas Mohamed, an out and proud gay Qatari who had to flee his home as a result of the of the dangerous and deadly LGBTphobia that exists in Qatar. 

3. Write an open letter to the President of FIFA showing support for migrant workers 

There’s a template to help you - you just need to complete your personal details and it sends it off for you!  

Write it here:  

4. Sign a petition to support migrant workers  

Sign Freedom United’s petition in a bid to end forced labour in Qatar and ask FIFA to set up a compensation fund for migrant workers. 

 While these are small actions that will take you no more than a few minutes they could make a really big difference and help to keep you conscience clear while watching your favourite team play. If you have any other suggestions, then we’d love to read about them in the comments below. 

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