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Tips and Tricks - 07-12-2022 - - 0 comments
Christmas Luxuries for Teachers

The Christmas Holidays are on their way and we can’t wait for our reduced working hours so we know that our school staff are looking forward to their time off.

Even though teaching can be extremely rewarding school staff still love their time off for many reasons, so we asked our school staff what their top reason for looking forward to the holidays were and put together a list of what luxuries teachers get to enjoy over the holidays…

  1. Going to the toilet whenever you want

  1. Going out to lunch like normal people

  1. Drinking coffee and tea before it gets cold

  1. Reading books that aren’t aimed at children

  1. Wearing comfortable clothes

  1. No bells, fire alarms or alarm clocks

  1. Silence… sweet, sweet silence

To all of our school staff, we hope you enjoy your well-deserved break this Christmas and make the most out of all the luxuries this break will offer you.


If you’re looking for a rewarding job with plenty of time off over the holidays then submit your CV or check out our latest available roles.

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